January 4, 2014

English to Bibble Dictionary

Back in the day when Gameware Development's website was alive, they had a small, incomplete dictionary of the norn pronunciations of various English words. Some of their words were correct... others, not so much. It was a lot of fun to reference, but the one thing about it that bummed me out was its incompleteness. I always wanted a comprehensive, English-to-Bibble Dictionary.

So why not make one?


This will be a work-in-progress that I will update as time permits. It's not remotely complete in the state it's in now, but it's a decent start and I hope to continue working on it as time goes. Please inform me if anything is incorrect, and if you have a few word translations, I will happily accept them and add them to the dictionary.

Also, I'm only doing words that are canonical to the games. I'm no Merriam Webster, and I don't plan on naming norns every solitary word in the English language to see what it sounds like in Bibble. I will, however, try to extend my reach across all the generations of the games so that I can get the biggest dictionary possible. Thanks for understanding!


The words in here will be in alphabetical order. Any differences in pronunciation of a word in generations of Creatures games or between different genders of norns will also be noted. There are no grendel versions of the words (I plan on a separate link for that), but this will be compatible with both norns and ettins.

Vowels have Latin-based pronunciation in this transcription, which implies the following:

  • "A" sounds like the "o" in "mom"
  • "E" sounds like the "e" in "bed"
  • "I" sounds like the "ee" in "sleep"
  • "O" sounds like the "o" in "no"
  • "U" sounds like the "oo" in "loot"

Diphthongs have English-based pronunciation in this transcription (assume soft "th" sounds).

Emphasis in the words will be shown via underlines on the syllable in question.

English to (Anglicized) Bibble

Here we go:

  1. Angry: dohenyoraha
  2. Badbug (pest): mahebahi
  3. Badplant: madapahito
  4. Button: mahebahi
  5. Come: bepeta (female); opeta (male)
  6. Computer: bepebodipa
  7. Detritus: mahenyohobeda
  8. Drop: mahobi
  9. Eat: mado
  10. Food: dorado
  11. Fruit: dohobi
  12. Get: yoha
  13. Implement: chihihodiho
  14. Left: yadiha
  15. Lift: chidiha
  16. Look: yarabi
  17. Maybe: mahida
  18. Norn: dorabi
  19. Plant: ohenyoho
  20. Pull: yahado
  21. Push: yabebi
  22. Rest: chirabi
  23. Run: chito
  24. Stop: dorabi
  25. Think: chitenyoho
  26. Tired: weraha
  27. Toy: dohi
  28. Weather: mahenyohenyoda
  29. What: dohenyoto
  30. Why: dobi

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