My idea is: why not translate this to Creatures?
The Concept:
If you want to try it for yourself, skip to the section labeled "How to Play." If you want to read about trials and testing, check out the section directly below!
The Trial Runs:
My first trial run ran quite well with this. I got a fair mix of bad, neutral, and good events of varying calibers and it definitely made the run more interesting to watch. It seemed like it always came in to save the day when nothing more was happening than half a dozen or so creatures all huddled up.
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I blame Fabio. |
As of Christmas 2013, I began a forum Random Event Feral Run on Creatures Caves. As of this writing, it has been sadly discontinued due to my having incubated a nasty stomach bug that took over my life for upwards of two weeks. It was a lot of fun while it lasted, though, and I'm glad to have shown the CC how fun a REF Run can be!
If you have either or both games in Creatures Exodus, this run may also be grendel and ettin friendly.
How to Play:
Here are the rules for how to manage an R.E.F. Run of your very own!
- Set yourself a time interval. Every time the time interval ends, a random event has a chance to occur. The intervals could be anywhere from every five minutes, to every hour, to even every day, if you're so inclined. I personally recommend 15-30 minute intervals for maximum entertainment.
- Set up your world as you see fit. This will be a feral run, after all, and until a random event is rolled, you aren't allowed to do anything!
- Start the game. Name all the norns if you wish, or let an autonamer tend to that for you.
- Set a timer for the chosen time interval. You can watch and wait if you so wish, or you can walk away and tend to other things while your norns fend for themselves.
- When the timer rings, flip a coin for one of the following options:
- HEADS: A random event occurs! Go to the section labeled "Random Event Generator" below and follow the instructions there.
- TAILS: Nothing happens this time....
- Reset the timer. Lather, rinse, repeat!
For a list of variations in the rules, skip to the "Optional Rules" section below. For the Random Event Generator, keep reading!
Random Event Generator:
Rolled a random event? You've come to the right place. Here's an awesome list of all kinds of things that can happen to your creatures! The list is divided into three parts of equal size for bad (-), neutral (=), and good (+) events. The lower the number, the more likely it is to be bad, and vice versa. If you have any recommendations for things to add to any part of the list, please say so in the comments below!
To roll which event happens, go to this random number generator. The current maximum number is 42.
- - Cursed Is the Minority: A norn of the gender with the fewest members gets one member randomly exported from the world.
- - Feed the Imbalance: An additional norn of the gender with the most members is entered into the feral run via the following methods:
- C1/C2: Assuming you have the versions of these games, open the hatchery and randomly select an egg of the gender with the most current members.
- C3/DS: On a random number generator, roll for a number between 1 and 20. Go to the main egg dispenser for your run, clicking for a new breed the exact number of times dictated. If it doesn’t land on a norn, click as many extra times as it takes to land on one. If and when it does land on a norn, select the gender with the most current members and dispense an egg. Allow it to hatch on its own time.
- - A Pox on You: The norn with the highest health is fed or injected with a poisonous substance that will make him or her sick.
- - Fatal Accident:
- C1: Export the norn with the highest health in percent. Flip a coin or roll on a random number generator if there’s a 2+ tie.
- C2/C3/DS: Export the norn who has been the most prolific breeder. If none of the norns have had children yet, then randomly export one of the happiest-looking ones.
- - World-Breaker:
- C1/C2: A COB that was used to renovate the world previously gets removed, altering it back to a previous, more dangerous state.
- C3/DS: Either the same instance above, or remove a metaroom that you may have added to the run at random.
- - Idle Hands: Visit every norn in Albia or on the Shee Starship. Every toy in the vicinity of a norn gets moved elsewhere, where no norns are.
- - Double Trouble:
- C1/C2: Export the grendel and allow another one to hatch, then re-import the grendel that was exported previously. When one of the grendels dies and is not replaced, you cannot add another unless this event is rerolled.
- C3/DS (docked): Export both grendels and allow another pair to hatch, then re-import the grendels that were exported previously. When one or two of the grendels die and are not replaced, you cannot add another pair unless this event is rerolled.
- DS (undocked): Assuming you have no grendels due to being undocked, import a single grendel into your world. If this is not the case, refer to the C3/DS (docked) directions above.
- - Dumbing Down:
- C1: Remove all words from the computer and move all portable language-teaching devices (Encyclopedia Nornica, etc.) well out of any norn’s vision or reach.
- C2: Remove all words from the computers and move all portable language teaching devices (doozers, etc.) well out of any norn’s vision or reach. You also can no longer re-register a norn’s name if they forget how to say it correctly until further notice.
- C3/DS: If any language-teaching machine is on and can be turned off, do so. If any of them can be moved, place them somewhere few to no norns can access. Those that cannot be moved or altered, such as the C3 knowledge stones and the DS Meso vocabulary infuser, must be blockaded if at all possible with agents.
- - Fruits of Temptation: Inject 6 extra weeds or badplants into the world (or the edible products of said plants) and add them near six randomly-selected norns. If you have fewer than six norns, then place one near each and the remainder of the plants in random locations (if desired, roll on the appropriate random-room generator below to select where to place them).
- - Solitary Confinement: A norn is chosen at random and moved to an area of Albia or the Shee Starship that is currently uninhabited by any other norn (if desired, roll on the appropriate random-room generator below to select where to place them--and if a room where norns are already present is rolled, reroll). If the randomly-selected norn is already alone, then reroll for a different norn.
- - Gone Missing: A norn is randomly exported from the world.
- - Eggsicles:
- C1/C2: Pick up an actively-growing egg, “freezing” it. If there are no (unfrozen) eggs, then nothing happens.
- C3/DS: Place an egg into the water, “freezing” it. If there are no eggs, then nothing happens.
- - Ticket to Hell: Take a randomly-selected norn that’s otherwise in a good spot (fertile garden, etc.) and move them to a more dangerous location. Depending on the game, you may have a number of options.
- - Mass Extinction: Calculate what a quarter of the current populations of norns in the world is. Randomly export that number of norns, regardless of age, breed, or gender.
- = Even It Out: A norn of the gender with the most members gets one member randomly exported from the world.
- = Splice Experiment:
- C1/DS (undocked): Do nothing… oh well.
- C2/C3/DS (docked): Select two creatures randomly (one can be an ettin or a grendel) and splice them together. If it’s a norn crossed with a grendel or an ettin, make sure that it comes out as a norn; if it’s a cross that consists of only grendel(s) and/or ettin(s), it doesn’t matter.
- = Unearthed Egg:
- C1/C2: Assuming you have the versions of these games, open the hatchery and close your eyes, sliding your mouse over the egg options, and then double-click at random. Place it in the incubator when applicable. The baby will become a new member of the feral run regardless of breed or gender.
- C3/DS: On a random number generator, roll for a number between 1 and 20. Go to the main egg dispenser for your run, clicking for a new breed the exact number of times dictated. If it doesn’t land on a norn, click as many extra times as it takes to land on one. If and when it does land on a norn, flip a coin for gender (heads = male, tails = female) and dispense an egg. Allow it to hatch on its own time. The baby will become a new member of the feral run regardless of breed or gender.
- = Matchmaker: Randomly select one male and one female norn. Export them and re-import them at the hatchery area. If you don’t have one of either gender, then I send you my condolences on the fate of your run.
- = Norn Regroup: Export every currently-active norn and re-import them into the world at the incubator location. (If a norn had previously been exported for any reason, don’t re-import them until another event dictates otherwise).
- = Grendel/Ettin Regroup: Export the grendel(s) and ettin(s) and re-import them into the world at the incubator location.
- = Luck of the Draw: Select a COB or agent to add randomly, regardless of whether it’s good or bad. If it’s a world-builder or -breaker COB or agent, or an update that had previously been added, select another at random. (And, of course, if it’s a COB or agent that crashes your game, don’t add it.)
- = Dimensional Wanderer: Go on Creatures Caves and download a random norn for the appropriate game and import it into your run.
- = Hazel Thumb: Inject 3 extra weeds/badplants and 3 extra herbs/fruits (or the edible products of said plants) into the world and sprinkle them about randomly. If desired, roll on the appropriate random-room generator below to select where to place them.
- = Find-It: Inject 6 toys in the world and sprinkle them about randomly. If desired, roll on the appropriate random-room generator below to select where to place them.
- = Redistributing Wealth: Select a norn at random and take away a portable object in their vicinity, one that they are actively holding or using if applicable. Then select a second random norn and place that object near them.
- = Misplaced Care Package: Inject three random, portable COBs or agents and place them in the areas specified for each game. Granted, not many norns will be able to enjoy these treasures… but at least the banished grendels and lonely ettins will be happy!
- C1: The top of the island area that’s only accessible by teleporter.
- C2: The little, ecologically-sustaining dome that’s under the coconut tree.
- C3/DS (docked): The absolute bottom of the Engineering location, where the rightmost airlock is (but not in the airlock).
- DS (undocked): The bottom of the room that formerly hosted the Warp.
- = Trading Places: Randomly-select a norn and then make it switch locations with another randomly-selected norn in a different part of Albia or the Shee Starship. If the second randomly-selected norn is in the same place as the first one, then reroll for the second one.
- = Out With the Old, In With the New: Calculate what a quarter of the current populations of norns in the world is. Randomly export that number of norns, regardless of age, breed, or gender, but keep track of how many of each gender was exported. Then, in the way described in “Blessed Is the Minority,” add that many first-generation norn eggs of each gender back into the world.
- + Blessed Is the Minority: An additional norn of the gender with the fewest members is entered into the feral run via the following methods:
- C1/C2: Assuming you have the versions of these games, open the hatchery and randomly select an egg of the gender with the fewest current members.
- C3/DS: On a random number generator, roll for a number between 1 and 20. Go to the main egg dispenser for your run, clicking for a new breed the exact number of times dictated. If it doesn’t land on a norn, click as many extra times as it takes to land on one. If and when it does land on a norn, select the gender with the fewest current members and dispense an egg. Allow it to hatch on its own time.
- + Feed the Masses: An additional food vendor is entered into the area of the feral run that, at the time of the event, has the greatest number of norns.
- + Heal the Sick:
- C1: The norn with the lowest health is given energy injections up to 70% life force.
- C2: Check the observation kit and see if any norn is listed as anything other than “healthy.” Select a random norn from those options and give them the necessary injections to make them “healthy” again. If all norns are listed as “healthy,” then pick a random norn and give them some food.
- C3/DS: Find a norn that looks unhappy or hurt and place them in an area that’s fertile and growing lots of food.
- + Successful Rescue: If a norn had previously been exported from the feral run for any reason, they are re-imported for a second chance. (If more than one, pick the least recent export to return). If no norns had previously been exported, then an additional norn of the gender with the fewest members is entered into the feral run via the same methods mentioned in “Blessed is the Minority.”
- + Albian Expansion: An extra COB or agent is injected to renovate a part of Albia or the Shee Starship that is dangerous and make it a safer place for norns. If “World-Breaker” was previously rolled, then add back the removed COB or agent specifically.
- + Bread and Circuses: Visit every norn in Albia or on the Shee Starship. Every norn that does not have a toy in their vicinity gets a toy COB or agent added and placed near them.
- + Pest Control: Transport the grendel to a part of Albia where they cannot bother the norns and “lock” them there using whatever COBs you have available, if needed. When this grendel dies and a new one is born, you cannot do this to the new grendel unless this event is re-rolled. If “Double Trouble” was previously rolled, move all grendels to this location. If you want to be extra merciful, you’re allowed to give him or them a food vendor and/or a toy as well.
- + Vocabulary Boost: Employ the following for the necessary game. If “Dumbing Down” had previously been rolled, move the displaced language-teaching devices back to where they were previously, re-enter the words into the non-portable machines, and/or allow access to learning materials (and, if in C2, you can now re-register norn’s names again).
- C1: If C1, add the Encyclopedia Nornica COB to the area with the most norns and push each volume once.
- C2: If C2, add the Speedy the Doozer COB to the area with the most norns and push it several times.
- C3: Move all norns in the most crowded part of the Shee Starship to the Learning Room and block its exit with an agent. Allow the machine to run through both sets once. Remove the agent and move all the norns back to where they were previously.
- DS: All norns that haven’t learned from the Vocabulary Infuser should be coaxed to press it as best as possible. Don’t waste your breath if a norn or two won’t push it, though! Those that don’t within 15 seconds or so of coaxing can be moved back to their original positions.
- + Fruits of Abundance: Inject 6 extra fruit plants or herbs into the world (or the edible products of said plants) and add them near six randomly-selected norns. If you have fewer than six norns, then place one near each and the remainder of the plants in random locations (if desired, roll on the appropriate random-room generator below to select where to place them).
- + A Friend for the Wallflower: A norn is chosen at random and moved to another norn via the methods described below. If the randomly-selected norn is already with one or more other norns, reroll.
- C1/C2: Move the norn to the norn’s name below theirs on the drop-down list (or at the top, if their name is on the bottom) using a COB such as PickMeUp.
- C3/DS: Move the norn to the norn’s name next to theirs on the creature menu. If they’re at the upper-right corner of the list, move the norn to the norn’s name on the bottom-left corner. If they’re at the bottom right corner of the list, move the norn to the first norn’s name on the next page of the creature menu.
- + Free Refills:
- C1: Edible objects that can run out (i.e. honey pots, hooch, etc.) must be refilled and placed back where the remains had been left behind.
- C2/C3/DS: Place a single-bite piece of food by every norn, such as a piece of cheese or a carrot.
- + Second Chance:
- C1/C2: Take an egg you know is “frozen” and place it in the incubator when applicable -- preferably the first known egg that was frozen. If there are no eggs, then nothing happens.
- C3/DS: Any eggs that were previously “frozen” by being placed in water are moved to the shore, allowing them to hatch on their own time. If there are no “frozen” eggs, then nothing happens.
- + Ticket to Heaven: Move a randomly-selected norn that is otherwise in an “unsavory” place or position to a location that has fertile land and is growing food. You may or may not have options, depending on the game.
- + Fresh Blood: Calculate what a quarter of the current populations of norns in the world is. Then, using the methods described in “Blessed Is the Minority,” add a set of that many first-generation norn eggs into the world via the hatchery. Flip a coin before adding each egg to determine the gender of the baby (heads = male, tails = female).
C1 Random Room Generator:
- Incubator Room
- Norn Garden (right of the Incubator Room)
- Abandoned Temple (right of the Norn Garden)
- Submarine Dock (right of the Abandoned Temple)
- Computer Room
- Grendel Treehouse
- Temple Basement
- Grendel Dock
- Deathcap Chamber
- Teleport-Accessible Island Treehouse
- Top of Island
- Submarine Dock (under the island)
- Fishbowl Cave (under the island)
- Cart Cove (under the island)
- Observatory
- Lover’s Leap
- Well’s Bottom (under Lover’s Leap)
- Cart Cove (under Well’s Bottom)
- Golden Palace
- Projection Room
- Music Room
- Shower Room
- Underground Dock (right of the shower room)
C2 Random Room Generator:
- Incubator Room
- Ettin Desert (above the Incubator Room)
- Lookout Tower (above the Ettin Desert)
- Warm Sea Dock (right of the Ettin Desert)
- Coconut Beach (right of the Warm Sea Dock)
- Triffid Garden (right of Coconut Beach)
- Norn Treehouse (above Triffid Garden)
- Albian Bridge (right of Triffid Garden)
- Overgrown Ledge (left of the Incubator Room)
- Norn Catacombs (under the Incubator Room)
- Submarine Dock
- Grendel Dock
- Volcano Lookout (right of Grendel Dock)
- Upper Biosphere (under Coconut Beach)
- Lower Biosphere
- Library Laboratory (under Lower Biosphere)
- Shee Shrine
- Berry Bush Cave (under Triffid Garden)
- Mushroom Ruins (under Berry Bush Cave)
- Tantris Garden (under Mushroom Ruins)
- Music Room
- Mushroom Bridge (under Tantris Garden)
- Pear Biosphere (under Mushroom Bridge)
- Crawler Greenhouse (under Pear Biosphere)
- Upper Treehouse Outlook (right of Tantris Garden)
- Norn Treehouse Lab
- Lower Treehouse Outlook (under Norn Treehouse Lab)
- Norn Honey Treehouse (under Lower Treehouse Outlook)
- Norn Garden (under Norn Honey Treehouse)
- Ettin Bog (right of Norn Garden)
- Lower Ettin Village (above Ettin Bog)
- Upper Ettin Village (above Lower Ettin Village)
- Ettin Village Lookout (above Upper Ettin Village)
- Volcano’s Heart
- Splicing Chamber
C3DS Random Room Generator:
- Upper Norn Meso
- Central Norn Meso
- Lower Norn Meso
- The Capillata Hub
- The Comms Room
- Upper Workshop
- Lower Workshop
- Bottom of the Bridge (where teleporter leads)
- Chemical Graph Room (above bottom of the bridge)
- Main Bridge (floor where all the portals are)
- Top of the Bridge
- Lower Norn Terrarium (where Incubator is)
- Central Norn Terrarium (where apples fall)
- Tombstone Knoll (above the entrance to the Learning Room)
- Norn Treehouse (where the cave paintings are)
- Norn Lookout (closest to where the seed pods grow)
Optional Rules:
- Instead of setting a set time interval, just do it whenever you feel like it.
- Instead of flipping a coin to determine whether a random event happens or not, always do one.
Comments or Suggestions?
Feel free to comment below! I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial on REF Runs, and have an awesome rest of the year!
~ Dreamnorn